Portal PC & Gaming

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Petition: Why should XBox360 be so special?

As I am sure many of you know the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Elite service has recently released its first DLC pack. Though to many peoples disappointment it was only released for the XBox360 Elite members. Why might this be you ask? Well it seems as if Activision and Infiinity Ward signed a special agreement with Microsoft. Some of you XBox users might be saying that you pay extra for the Live service annually. My response to that is too bad. Choose your console choose your fate. There should be no reason why one console should get the DLC content before the other especially when people are paying an extra fifty dollars to get the monthly DLC. Not to mention this DLC pack was promised to everyone in January and XBox got the content within a week of February. Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to bash  XBox users. I love the console and think it is great. Though like I said you made certain choices when you purchased the console. More specifically you chose to pay in order to play online. There is no reason why PS3 users should have to take the fall for Microsofts follies especially when you paid the extra money to get it earlier. I have also recently heard some rumors floating around that non-elite XBox members may be able to get the DLC before Elite PS3 members. So what I am asking the gaming community to do today is voice their opinion on this matter by signing this petition by leaving a comment with your gamertag and how you feel about this. Let's try to prevent this from happening to future Call of Duty content and more importantly to keep this from happening within other games.