Portal PC & Gaming

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Port Forwarding for Video Games

So as many of you online console gamers might be starting to notice the requirements and demands of your home network and Internet Service Provider to play these games has become higher than ever before. Due to this many gamers experience problems with lots of lag and frequent disconnects from game servers. What many people don't realize is that their router could have many different security features that either limit this flow of data or completely halt the process. There are two options that gamers have to either alleviate or eliminate these problems all together and they are called port forwarding and DMZ. First, let us start with what a port is. A port is basically in essence a door on the router that controls the flow of information from the internet into your network. What port forwarding does is open those doors completely to your gaming console after you have assigned it a static IP address. At this point you might be saying to yourself that this sounds awfully complicated. If you are not as network savy and knowledgeable there are two things you can do. The first being accessing the website www.portforward.com. This site gives an in-depth step by step guide for each router and each game. For those who want the port numbers directly click the link link They also feature a free tool to check your ports afterwards o make sure they are functioning correctly. The second thing you can do is contact your Internet Service Provider and they can open those ports for you as well. Forwarding ports is relatively easy to pick up and learn and can be used for a variety of situations not just gaming. The second option that I spoke about was called DMZ. What DMZ stands for is Demilitarized Zone. Basically what that means is when you engage this option on your router for your gaming console again with a static IP address it will place your console directly outside of the router. Warning! This should only be done with gaming consoles as this can expose a huge security risk for PC's and laptops. This should only be used as a last resort if all else fails. This as well can also be found on www.portforward.com.
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